Wednesday, May 15, 2013

ARC Ministry Team Visits ARC Church in Midland, Texas

Empowering leaders and congregations to live fully into their God-given destinies by building kingdom friendships and strategic alliances, advancing leadership developing, and providing ministry training for the members of congregations. This is the mission of the ARC. One way we carry out this mission is to form ARC Ministry teams who go into churches to continue building those friendships, and provide leadership development or ministry training seminars. If you would like a team to come to your church contact us at and let us know how we can help you.

In April, the ARC sent Kevin McClure and Sharon Franta to Midland, TX. Kevin and Sharon are ARC members and also serve as staff at The Master’s Institute. The trip was planned to bless Pastor Steve Mohr and the Leadership Team of Our Savior’s Lutheran through teaching and preaching, along with the ministry of presence—being with one another in the ARC is valuable. They also went to share information about The Master’s Institute School of Ministry; a 9-month discipleship training course designed to bless pastors and congregations as a resource for training and equipping lay-leaders in the church.

As they talked with Pr. Steve Mohr to prepare for the trip, it quickly became apparent that Our Savior’s Lutheran is a church that is hungry for God and all that He has for them. Their heart for building the Kingdom of God comes in various forms such as Love Midland – a grass roots outreach to their city, church studies on the Holy Spirit, discipleship training and more. As one leader said, “We want to be a church that does more than acknowledge the Holy Spirit; we want to live by the Holy Spirit.”

Kevin and Sharon arrived on Friday evening. On Saturday, Kevin and Sharon taught a workshop on Creating a Prophetic Atmosphere where they addressed how to create an atmosphere that embraces the gift of prophecy in your church culture, on Sunday morning and in your own hearts. On Sunday, Sharon taught Sunday school and Kevin preached a message on addressing how ministry must flow from our identity as sons and daughters, followed by a time of prayer ministry.

Pastor Steve also had a baptism that day; for his 2 year old grandson. It was Steve’s first baptism since taking the call to Midland and it was a wonderful moment for everyone. When his grandson was wrapped in a towel and placed in his father’s arms, he raised both hands and exclaimed, “Ta-daaaa!” To which the congregation responded with clapping and cheers of joy.

What we saw at Our Savior’s we see at ARC churches across the country; a bond that ties us together with kindred spirits and a heart for Kingdom ministry. Please be praying for Our Savior’s as they whole heartedly pursue Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
