Wednesday, June 4, 2014

What the ARC Provides Leaders and Congregations

By Mike Bradley
ARC Director
When individual leaders, or leaders of congregation are considering joining the Alliance of Renewal Churches, a question they often ask is: What does the ARC have to offer leaders and congregations? Good question. Following is an excerpt from An Introduction to the Alliance of Renewal Churches (ARC) which lists just some of what the ARC provides.

 A unique spiritual DNA and identity

  • A spiritual DNA that embraces the evangelical, charismatic, and sacramental streams of the Christian Faith
  • A place where the empowering presence of the Holy Spirit is celebrated, not merely tolerated
  • A place where our historic Reformation roots provide stability as we minister in an ever-changing cultural scene
  • A network focused on and committed to kingdom advancement
An atmosphere beneficial for kingdom ministry and mission

  • An atmosphere rich with a tangible sense of God’s presence
  • An atmosphere filled with a healthy disregard for the impossible and a refusal to settle for less than all God has for us
  • An atmosphere filled with an experience of the non-negotiable values God has given the ARC
  • An atmosphere of freedom to dream and create what is received in revelation from the Lord
  • An atmosphere of congregational freedom to decide on matters of adiaphora[1]
  • An atmosphere that is a safe place for spirit-led risk-taking
 Authentic relationships that are safe

  • Relationships in which we do not have to wear a mask and be someone we’re not
  • Relationships in which you can be real with no fear of being discarded or slimed by toxic shame
  • Relationships in which you can bring things long hidden into the light of God’s healing combination of grace and truth
  • Relationships with brothers and sisters who will pick us up and help carry us through seasons of life that are challenging, discouraging, and painful
  • Relationships that can help us guard against becoming isolated and self-absorbed

 Being part of a band of brothers and sisters on mission together

·         A band of brothers and sisters who help one another stay equipped and focused on the mission at hand
·         A band of brothers and sisters who recognize courage has a relational element to it. We stand shoulder-to-shoulder, giving courage to one another as we engage in the great cosmic conflict of our age
·         A band of brothers and sisters who know that together we are a force to be reckoned with

 Personal care, encouragement, and support for pastors and other leaders
  • Life Together Day gatherings for relationship building, ministry to one another, and teachings that further equip us for ministry and mission
  • Life Together Groups for intentional, ongoing discipleship, support, and encouragement of one another as leaders
  •  Annual regional gatherings providing a place and time for ARC pastors and leaders to meet, begin new relationships, and nurture already existing relationships
  • Retreats for pastors and other leaders to provide opportunity to nurture relationships with one another; worship the Lord; and have fun together 
  • Personal prayer, prophetic, and inner healing ministries  
  • Periodic visits to leaders and congregations by the Director, ARC Leadership Team members, and other appointed leaders in the ARC for care-giving, relationship building, and teaching
  • Ongoing relationship-building and prayer support 
  • Friendship-based safeguards and accountability for leaders
Professional and Leadership training for pastors and other leaders

  • Professional training topics taught in the context of retreats for pastors and leaders
  • Professional training seminars offered around the country in congregational contexts
  • A working relationship with The Master’s Institute Seminary and MI School of Ministry
 The chance to be part of something more
  • We can do more together as a team than we can as any one gifted individual or congregation
  • Ministry in the kingdom of God is not a solo endeavor; it is experienced and expressed best in community
  • Being together brings a fresh set of eyes and a larger perspective on the work of God in and through local pastors and congregations
  • Annual gatherings for all ARC members (not just leaders) where we are being filled with the Holy Spirit; receiving strategic guidance from God; being encouraged through personal prophetic prayer ministry; and being practically equipped for ministry

Training for members of congregations

The ARC provides teams who can provide training for members of congregations in a variety of ministry skills:

o   The ARC DNA: Integrating the core values God has given us into our lives and congregations
o   Building Healthy Leaders
o   Sharing Your Story
o   Developing Prayer Ministry Teams
o   Immanuel Prayer – a model for inner healing prayer
o   Spiritual Direction
o   Responsible Prophetic Ministry
o   Prayer for the Filling of the Holy Spirit
o   Healing Prayer Ministry – physical, emotional, relational and spiritual
o   Being a Safe Place for the Dangerous Kind
o   Being a Safe Place for Spiritual Gifts
o   Shame and Grace
o   Evangelism and Discipleship Training
o   Leadership for the Kingdom of God
o   Team Ministry
o   Strategic and Revelatory Planning
o   Daring to Dream
o   Conflict Management
o   Worship Leadership
o   The Management of Ministry
o   Financial Freedom
o   Sexual Fulfillment in Marriage
o   And more

 Prayer support

  • From a prayer team for the ARC
  • Through training and support resources for intercessory and personal prayer ministry
Intentional focus and commitment to growing whole and healthy leaders

   The ARC will be intentional in helping her leaders grow more whole and health emotionally, relationally, and spiritually
   Some of the ways we do this are through:
o   Inner healing prayer training and appointments
o   Appointments with Spiritual Directors
o   Helping connect ARC leaders to trustworthy counseling resources
o   Fellowship in the context of leaders who share the same commitment and are growing themselves toward more emotional, relational, and spiritual health and wholeness

Intentional focus and commitment to support and encourage young leaders; and leaders of the young - children, youth, and young adult ministries

   The ARC is committed to supporting, encouraging, and equipping young leaders
   The ARC is committed to supporting the leaders of young people.
   Toward that end the ARC will:
o   Provide regular gatherings for leaders of young people in the ARC to meet one another, grow in relationship with one another, and meet and be blessed by more experienced ministers
o   Help encourage and network the leaders of young people to network for shared ministry and mission

Ministry Share Connections

   The ARC helps to network congregations with one another for sharing of experience and expertise in ministry areas such as children’s youth and young adult ministry; men and women’s ministry; missions; and more. In addition, the ARC will help host ministry events such as:

o   Regional men’s retreats
o   Regional women’s retreats
o   Regional youth retreats
o   Mission trips

 Coaching and Consultation Resources

  • Church Planting
  • Strategic Plan consultations
  • General consultations as request
  • Conflict resolution and management
  • Call Committee consultation and support
Other resources
  • A pension plan for those who do not have one of their own
  • Networking for job placement, helping connect churches who need staff-level personnel with ARC members who are open to moving to another church and locale

[1] Those matters the Bible neither commands nor prohibits, things which are not of eternal consequence, and about which Christians may disagree; cf. Romans 14:1ff.
