Saturday, January 8, 2011
God’s Heart for City-Nation Transformation By ARC Pastor and Church Planter, Dan Clites
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Mike Bradley |
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"Do not conform (be shaped) any longer to the pattern of this world, but be TRANSFORMED by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is-- His good and pleasing and perfect will." (Romans 12:2)
In my 15-years serving as a pulpit minister, I've experienced two major moments of personal "mind transformation." Both have shaped and moved me to test and approve God's will for my life and labor as a servant of the Lord Jesus!
The first breakthrough came several years ago when I was on the verge of leaving congregational ministry. In the midst of deep discouragement, I was introduced to the movement of Lutheran Renewal, the start of The Master's Institute Seminary and the beginning of the ARC, (Alliance of Renewal Churches). It was at that time the Lord "renewed" my energy and transformed my mind to a new vision of leading and teaching by the power of the Holy Spirit.
My second great moment of transformation came just over a year ago. I wasn't contemplating leaving ministry, but I was feeling flat and fatigued. After working extremely hard for six-years, focused solely at planting a church in Northfield, MN, while seeing the fruit of a healthy and vibrant congregation, I was not witnessing transformation in the over-all area of Northfield. The city and the region seemed quite un-changed.
There was good news and bad news. Good News: pre-believers were coming to faith at Rejoice! Bad News: Northfield was still experiencing terrible corruption at city hall. Good News: Offerings were up at Rejoice! as we prepped for building a facility. Bad News: Northfield was cranking up debt while main street businesses were fighting to stay relevant. Good News: High school youth were choosing to be a part of our growing Rejoice! community ministry. Bad News: the over-all youth culture of Northfield was still making state news with drug and alcohol abuse. Good News: the city's two private colleges, St. Olaf and Carleton were financially stable with plenty of great faculty and students. Bad News: more and more of the college faculty and students were seeing Jesus as just a good guy along with Buddha and Mohammad; rather than as their personal Lord and Savior.
The Lord put two scenarios in my path. I could be happy for Rejoice! and settle for less by adopting a "too bad for the rest of the city" mindset, or, I could start seeing Rejoice! as the igniter-church for a marketplace transformational movement in blessing the whole city.
I have chosen the latter. In doing so, the Lord has transformed my sense of pulpit purpose. Rejoice! is no longer just focusing on congregational growth, but kingdom growth. Obviously it's still hard work, but I am no longer feeling flat and fatigued, but energized with faith! How did this come to be? I'll try to make a long story, short. My purpose is to encourage you as ARC pastors and congregations to seek the Lord's biblical transformation of your own life and ministry--- to better know God's good, pleasing and perfect will for His entire creation.
About four-years ago, I caught word on what the Holy Spirit was doing in Elk River, MN. Pastors were meeting with business owners, government officials and school employees to really dig-in and pray for the city. Unity in Christ for the sake of the city was out-weighing denominational preferences and traditions. The impact of this faithfulness triggered miracles throughout the city! For example, Elk River's teen suicide rate, once the highest per-capita in the nation, fell to nothing. Business, government and the schools began to flourish with greater favor. Christians went from Sunday morning pew sitters to Monday morning marketplace action ministers! Business leaders began opening doors for employees to pray and participate in Bible studies. Now-a-days, the mayor is constantly being asked to speak at various engagements around the world--- more about her faith than about her politics!
The inspiration for this transformational movement came from the world-wide ministry of Ed Silvoso and International Harvest Evangelism. Marketplace miracles, like those in Elk River, are occurring every day all around the world. Focused on Jesus' calling to "make disciples of all nations..." the heart of Harvest Evangelism is birthed from Jesus' instructions in Luke 10. He is instructing his followers how to effectively evangelize a city and a nation with the biblical purposes and principles of God. It doesn't begin with a soap-box and a declaration to "turn or burn." It doesn't start with handing out tracks and inviting people to come to a church program. Instead, Jesus lays-out God's strategy for permanently winning people to His salvation and kingdom purposes for their lives. Luke 10 is a process of patient persistence, making evangelism about God's grace and our daily obedience to serve Him. Here are the four action steps from Luke 10:
ACTion-1: "Bless" others. Speak "God's peace" to people and systems in your spheres of influence, Luke 10:5-6. After I began taking Jesus seriously at his word, it's no more drive-by cursings for me, where I complain to God about a government agency, a school system or even a church mission. Instead, I'm seeking more to bless people, places and things into God's care. The prayer of peace pushes back the kingdom of darkness and breaks forth God's kingdom of light! The ARC knows that!
ACTion-2: "Fellowship" with others. Build relationships with those outside the kingdom of God, Luke 10:7-8. People will trust you as a Christian as you show them you are trust worthy! I'm now intentionally taking the time to speak to more and more people outside my congregation. I'm not trying so much to get them to come to Rejoice!, but seeking to get them to first trust a Christian!
ACTion-3: "Minister" to others. Respond to people's felt needs in the name of Jesus, Luke 10:9a. Once trust is established, people will begin asking you for Godly advice, or healing prayer, or an invitation to your church worship service! After being patiently bold enough to pray and fellowship with others in my community, I am finding growing favor to minister to them as well!
ACTion-4: "Proclaim" to others. Announce the kingdom of God has come near and is available to them through Jesus Christ, Luke 10:9b. People are far more open to hearing how God wants to transform their lives and labor when prayer has taken over the city, leading to fellowship and ministry. I'm learning, even bit-by-bit, that when I trust God's idea for evangelism (Luke 10), rather than my own cleverness, I'm experiencing greater freedom and success as a pastor. Yes, I mean supernatural success!
So, with a new paradigm and a network of like-minded believers around me, I am greatly inspired to believe that God has the same heart for Northfield that He does for Elk River and the whole world. This Romans 12 and Luke 10 paradigm shift has led me to faith ACTion, as I have joined others in establishing a prayer room in downtown Northfield. We are inviting anyone and everyone to use it during all hours of the day...and people have been doing so! I am now networking with Ed Silvoso and Harvest Evangelism, attending both the international and North American conferences. I didn't go by myself, though, instead I have taken dozens from Northfield with me so we can all catch and grow into the vision!
From this core group who share a heart for Northfield, we have invited various other marketplace folks from around town to join us in a Bible study created by Greg Pagh, the lead pastor of Christ Church in Otsego, MN. The study is called "Faith Beyond Belief." I have used it as a small group teaching tool for both my congregation and for local business people, government servants and school officials outside my congregation! Again, I am no longer feeling flat and fatigued, but energized on faith!
Over the last year, the practicing core of Northfield transformation marketplace ministers has grown to over 60 people. We are now gathering weekly for prayer, and meeting monthly for breakfast and testimony sharing. Members are seeing themselves as ministers and their labor as their worship of God!
You'll take great delight in hearing that my whole perspective of ministry has been transformed--- shaped and moved by the Holy Spirit's calling to pastor the public with plenty of marketplace minister assistance! I am no longer just serving a wonderful congregation of 270 worshipping souls, but participating with others to disciple a whole city of 20,000 souls--- believers and pre-believers!
Is it working? Indeed, we are already seeing the fruit of marketplace ministers serving in their various spheres of daily influence. People are getting excited about living their faith like never before. They are establishing and taking responsibility to lead all sorts of new kingdom ministries; everything from prayer walking the neighborhood streets, to building playground equipment on the school grounds, to running for various local government and school leadership offices, to one business owner dedicating his business as a "kingdom company" for the Lord's work. We are believing on God's word like never before!
As a whole, Northfield-Dundas are certainly not "there yet", but with city-wide prayer evangelism, I know the two communities are improving. They have to, because as we are obedient to Jesus' directions in Luke 10, our faith always triggers God's Holy Spirit power of mind transformation-- to know His good, pleasing and perfect will!
Pastor Dan Clites
Rejoice! Lutheran Renewal Church
Northfield-Dundas, MN
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