Friday, July 1, 2011

ARC Author-Pastor Releases New Novel

From Mike Bradley, ARC Director:
ARC Pastor-Author, Dave Householder, has published a new novel entitled, The Blackberry Bush. I recently read Dave’s new book and really enjoyed the read. In The Blackberry Bush, Dave does a nice job of weaving different periods of history in and out of a story that keeps you engaged and presents characters you’re interested in. The two main characters, Kati and Josh seem destined to cross paths eventually and throughout the novel you follow their search for freedom. The novel is filled with “chance” encounters which don’t seem to be “chance” at all and that’s one of the powerful and relevant messages Dave confronts us with in his book: it’s often the “chance” encounters transform our lives.

As I was reading The Blackberry Bush I “happened” to take it with me when I got my hair cut one day. The young gal who cuts my hair asked me what I was reading and as I shared with her I could see she was interested. After cutting my hair I gave her the book as a gift and I’m looking forward to my next hair cut (I don’t get that many!) to see if she has begun to read it yet and if so, how she’s enjoying it. I’ve now given away over a dozen copies to various people. I encourage you to go on and buy your own copy (in paper or on your kindle). You’ll enjoy the read and just may be encouraged to be more alert than ever to the “chance” encounters God has given you in life, and be on the lookout for the ones He still has coming your way.

Thanks, Dave, for this creative gift you’ve graced us with!


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