Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Improbable Provision in the Year of Living More Generously

By Mike Bradley, ARC Director

Improbable Provision in the Year of Living More Generously: This is a Word I believe the Lord is speaking to us in the Alliance of Renewal Churches (ARC). It is a word to be heard, received, and experienced as individuals, families, and congregations.

The Lord first began to speak to me about improbable provision as I brewed a good strong cup of coffee and met with Him in the story of Hagar and Ishmael in Genesis 21:1-20 one morning. As I read this passage I heard the Lord speak the words, “improbable provision” into my mind. Improbable Provision. Hagar and Ishmael were certainly in a situation where they needed it. There were dying and there was absolutely no help on the horizon. Their backs were against the proverbial wall. But…don’t you just love all the “buts” in Scripture? But then, God intervened and He made a way where there was no way, He made a provision no one else could provide. He provided a well where there had been no well. The God for whom nothing is too hard, nor too difficult, nor impossible made an improbable provision of water that saved their lives and enabled them to live into the future God had in store for them. This is what God’s improbable provision does. It affirms God’s care for us personally; meets our immediate need; and makes it possible for us to live into His purposes for us and through us.

I was convinced this was a Word from the Lord and shared it with the ARC National Leadership Team when we met together in January. They discerned and affirmed this was indeed a word from the Lord for members of The Alliance of Renewal Churches. In fact, Graeme Sellers was so certain, he was moved to preach a sermon series on God’s Improbable Provision in the Year of Living More Generously in his congregation (Wonderful Mercy Church, Gilbert, AZ). My wife, Debi, and I happened to be worshipping at Wonderful Mercy while on vacation just as Graeme began this series. We were so encouraged by these messages that I’ve asked Graeme for permission to place them on the ARC website so you can listen to them. Please make the time to do this. Encourage your congregational leaders to do so. Then together, pray and discern if this is a word for you and your congregations. You can access the messages at: Once on the home page, look under the “Resources,” then “Media,” then “Audio” and "Podcast" links (Resources>Media>Audio>Podcast).

In addition, I am also preaching on this word in ARC churches around the country this year. I will be speaking at Hope Community in Long Beach, CA in early April and Radiant Church in early May. If you’d like to me to preach this message in your congregation, contact me at and we’ll get it scheduled.

Lord, may this be a season of Your Improbable Provision in the Year of Living More Generously. Amen!


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