Thursday, May 10, 2012

ARC Leaders Invited to Ethiopia for Missions and Theolgoical Conference

Be aware. Divine appointments. Atmospheric shifting keynote message. Personal prayer and prophetic ministry. Creating and nurturing relationships. Impromptu preaching opportunities. All this and more made up a recent trip to Ethiopia for ARC leaders Graeme Sellers and Mike Bradley. Mike and Graeme were invited to attend the 2012 Missions Conference and Theological Convention (pictured above) for the Ethiopian Evangelical Church Mekane Yesus (EECMY). Mekane Yesus (the house or place of God) is a network of 5.8 million charismatic Lutherans. Most of what God did during the trip was not on the published schedule, but was on God’s schedule.
In the weeks prior to leaving for Ethiopia, Graeme, Mike, and a team of intercessors were praying for the trip. Two things in particular stood out during these prayer times. First, there was a word to be aware of divine appointments not merely during the events in Ethiopia, but also as we traveled. The second turned out to be a prophetic picture come to life.
It began the first night as we flew to In Washington D.C. We met Yalda, a non-practicing Muslim who was our waitress at a restaurant we stopped in for a meal. As we visited with her we asked if we could pray for her and she immediately told us about her mother, Nazifa, suffering from uterine cancer. She welcomed prayer for her Mom and for herself right there, right then. We continue to pray for Yalda and Nazifa, that God’s purposes might be accomplished in their lives.
Our first day in Ethiopia included a trip to the grounds of the EECMY seminary where we met and were asked to pray over the team that was organizing the missions conference. The event would attract more than 12,000 attendees over the next two days, with many people coming to faith in Jesus Christ. As we prayed, God gave prophetic words through us to the five conference organizers; words which had a visible impact on each of them
At a dinner hosted by the Speaker of the House of the Ethiopian Parliament, we shared a meal with a young pastor and his wife whose church, part of the new apostolic reformation movement, is making serious inroads with young adults. God gave life-breathing words to this couple through Mike and Graeme, and as a result they were invited to minister at the 2,000 member church the following Sunday.
At the theological and missions convocation, the Lord gave us more prophetic words for some of the Ethiopian pastors and leaders in attendance—including for a pastor who had told God the night before, “If I don’t hear from you, I don’t know if I can keep going”— and on the final day Mike brought a message (pictured left) that God used to utterly shift the atmosphere. The message was based on the prophetic picture God had given us during our times of intercession for the trip.
Then there was Eulalia, a Jamaican nurse and university professor who was in Addis Ababa to speak at the World Health Organization’s annual international gathering. We met her at dinner one night, and as He had done consistently on the trip, God released more prophetic insight. God spoke through us to this woman’s dreams and aspirations and affirmed her abiding worth in the Father’s eyes. She wept openly as the heart of God was expressed to her and she heard how dear to Him she is.
All of this supernatural communication accords with a word that we received from another ARC pastor by email just after arriving in Africa. This pastor assured them, “God is the word in your mouth.” And God was.  With person after person and situation after situation, God was the word in our mouths as we spoke what He said. It was a confirmation of God’s promise in Scripture, “I am the Lord your God…Open wide your mouth and I will fill it.” (Ps. 81:10)

We returned home with some new relationships, and with some already existing relationships having been deepened for us personally, and for the ARC and MI organizationally. God created some new relationships for us with leaders in the EECMY, and in the North American Lutheran Church (NALC), which was represented by Bishop John Bradosky, and General Secretary Mark Chavez. We enjoyed our time with both of them as well as with other pastors from the NALC in attendance. We were also blessed to spend time with Mark Vander Tuig, Kip Tyler, John Waak (pictured above praying with Graeme), and other leaders from Lutheran Congregations in Mission for Christ (LCMC).
Be aware. Divine appointments. Personal prayer and prophetic ministry. Atmospheric shifting keynote message. Creating and nurturing relationships. This was our trip to Ethiopia. Thank you all for your prayers. Let’s continue to pray and see how God might use this trip and these relationships in carrying out His purposes for the ARC and MI.


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