Thursday, August 20, 2009

Eric Bluhm Joins the ARC National Leadership Team

I am very happy to inform you that Pastor Eric Bluhm has been added to the ARC National Leadership Team. Eric is a pastor at North Heights Lutheran Church in Roseville and Arden Hills, Minnesota. He writes, "I am honored, humbled and excited to be part of the ARC leadership team for several reasons. First, I am all three of those because of the people on the team. Relationship is a core element of the ARC, and these particular relationships will draw me closer to Jesus and raise my game. Secondly, I am all three of those because of the unique nature of the ARC and its potential. As I survey the landscape of possible congregational affiliations, nothing has what the ARC has to offer, and its values deeply mirror my own and what I desire to see increase among churches."

Eric brings a love for the Lord, a heart for outreach to the forgotten ones, and a proven track record in hearing God and moving out of revelation in very strategic ways. He will be a wonderful addition to the Leadership Team and will help the ARC continue growing into who the Lord knows she can be.


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